Our last day of CC was on April 2nd, 2015! The year absolutely flew by and our whole family loved it all! We love our New Bern CC campus and are so sad that we won't get to learn alongside them next year! We are also very thankful that there is a CC campus here in Las Vegas that is 10 minutes from our house. We are looking forward to getting to know the CC families here and hopefully I will be able to continue tutoring!
Kenley with her tutor Miss Michelle.
Kenley ADORES Miss Michelle :). Let me tell you... Michelle is a Saint!
She had 5 year olds... So that is tough but 6 out of 8 of them were tutor kids!
We love you Miss Michelle!!
Since Tabernacle (Our host church for CC) has a preschool program we were able to enroll Claire in the preschool on Thursdays during CC. It seems kind of counterintuitive for homeschoolers to put one kid in preschool but the way that we looked at it was kind of like childcare+. Claire actually ended up in the 2 year old class because the 3 year old class was full. I don't think she minded one bit though because she got to be in class with her buds Percy and Ella Kate! She loved her teachers Miss Katie and Miss Tammy but somehow I didn't get a picture of her with her teachers :(
We are pretty excited that Claire gets to join us in CC next year! She will make a great Abecedarian :)
At the beginning of the year I didn't know how much I would love tutoring! I actually had multiple nightmares about forgetting supplies for class, or having an all new class, or not knowing my students names..... Luckily as the year went on tutoring these kids became easier and it really was a joy. I sure love these kids and I am so proud of how far they came this year! I wish I could be their tutor for the next 10 years :)
Here we are with our balloon blob maps! I thought it would be a fun last day of school blob mapping project... Let me tell you it.is.tough. but my Apprentices did great! (That was my 4th balloon....) :)
(Also it was Pajama day :) Kenley changed for the pictures)