Rainbow Sponge Painting

Monday, May 26, 2014

We did a super fun craft today!

Rainbow Sponge Painting!! 

All you need to do this craft is sponges, a rectangular container, paint, and paper! 

Kenley loved making these rainbows! 

C.Lo woke up from her nap in time to make one too! 

So fun! We will definitely be making these again! 

I Like....

Friday, May 23, 2014

After Dinner Walks...
*I do not like the 47 mosquito bites I return home with*

 Fro-yo with Friends...

This little dessert swiper...

This adorable tiger Kenley drew for Kristen...

Melting Bead Crafts...

This one that shows how long Kenley's perfectionism can hold out before the 4 year old in her takes over :) 

These house plans...

Early morning snuggles with these two...

My handprint mug...


My Craftroom...

Homeschool Conference and DC Sightseeing!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Last weekend we made (a sort of) last minute trip to the 2014 Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Conference in Washington D.C. with our friends the Goodfellow's and the Friedlein's. 

Our first full day in D.C. the conference didn't start until 5 so we spent the day sightseeing. 

Here we are in front of President Lincoln... I should have taken a picture of the ceiling in the monument. It was gorgeous! 
(All I think of when I look at this is the Night at the Museum 2 movie) :) 

Still at the Lincoln with the Washington behind us.

I am pretty sure my Dad wears the exact same Cowboy hat... Maybe that's why Kenley adores David so much :) 

I don't know when that little one got so sassy!

My North Carolina girl...

My Washington girl...

We stopped at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum... Once again all I thought of was the Night at the Museum movies... I guess better to dwell on that than all the evolution propaganda and lies... 

Claire wanted her picture in front of the "Helephant"... 

Giraffes are funny...

Visiting the Smithsonian REALLY makes me want to take the girls to the Creation Museum! Anyone want to plan a trip with us in the next year or two? 

Brian and Gary carrying the girls down the steps.... D.C. is a busy place! 

Way in front of our future residence :) I wish we would have gotten closer but it was hot and we were melting down and getting a little hangry :)

This is the only picture I have from during the actual conference. The conference was good.... not quite what we were expecting but we loved getting to hear Ken Ham and Voddie Baucham. They are great speakers! We've started reading a few of Ken Ham's books and I will probably do a book review post when we finish them because they are worthy of a post of their own! 

The hotel the conference was held at was beautiful! These pictures are from INSIDE the hotel! So cool! It reminded me so much of Disneyland! 

The Barnyard

Crafts Lately

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

 We have finally gotten back in our crafty groove! It seems silly but when we have regular crafting time we are all in better moods! 

I bought a pack of canvases and am planning to do a canvas gallery wall in the craft room so we have done a few canvas projects this week! 

Last Saturday we made a butterfly canvas inspired by Whatever...

Our watercolors turned out kind of chalky.. so we may redo this with different water colors so we can have brighter butterflies. 

Next up the melted crayon canvas! I am sure you have seen these all over Pinterest! 

This next project's outcome was a flop but the girls still had fun with the process. On a whim I bought this glow chalk kit from Walmart. It had such potential! The girls had fun mixing and shaking the ingredients to make the chalk but unfortunately the chalk never dried out completely and only 1 color barely glowed. I called Crayola and they sent me a refund coupon to buy more Crayola products... I have my eye on this :) 

We've been playing with regular chalk and homemade sidewalk chalk paint too! 

Thursday the girls made Stained Glass Candles also inspired by Whatever...

At the Library's Storytime that morning the girls made me the little candle jars for Mother's Day. 
Kenley's are on the left and Claire's are on the right..

Friday, Kenley and I did some watercolor canvases. I cut the Seattle Skyline with vinyl and my Silhouette. We put the vinyl on the canvas and then water colored! We chose to do blue and green because "Seahawks live in Seattle" :) 

Later that day Kenley needed another craft but I was busy with my Silhouette so I gave her scissors, glue, construction paper, and wiggly eyes. She came up with this monster card for James :) 

The Silhouette is a lifesaver for birthday gifts! We were invited to a birthday party for a daughter of someone Brian works with and since we don't know them it was hard to think of what to buy. Silhouette to the rescue! You can never go wrong with personalized things! They were a hit! 

More on that Birthday Party tomorrow!