Kenley turned 18 months old on Sunday! Our little girl is getting so old! She is learning new words all of the time. Her favorite words right now are still Mama, Dada, Da (Dog), Bow, Bye Bye and Hi.

She is such a girlie girl and loves necklaces, bracelets, shoes, and purses! In fact she can turn almost any item into one of those four items! If there is a basket of toys on the floor and a basket of shoes, she will always choose to play with the shoes. Her favorite pair this week is her Crocs, probably because those are easy for her to put on over her footie pajamas.
Speaking of footie pajamas, if we put her to bed in anything other than a footie pajamas she will most likely end up naked. She has taken a liking to taking off her pants and diapers. The other day I walked into her room and she was asleep on her bed with her naked butt way up in the air. I was so wishing I had my camera in hand at that moment!

If I had to use 1 word to describe her right now it would most definitely be busy! She is into anything and everything! She has also taken an interest in climbing up things which of course has me very worried about her falling all the time because she has absolutely no concept of fear.
What an absolute cutie pie! <3
Yeah for such a good big sister!
I still have Violet in her big bathtub ducky too. Why not? It is adorable.
Emma was just like Kenley in taking off her clothes at night! We had to pin her in her footy pajamas or those would go too. And I DO have a picture with her naked butt in the air after putting her to bed one night ;)
Love that hair style!!! She is so adorable. Still missing yall.
Can't believe she's already 18 months! Super cute pics!
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