Our girl is now up to 12lbs 1ounce!! We have to go back in 2 weeks for another weight check and in 6 weeks for a thyroid test but no hospital stay!! The doctor said that he still wanted me to try supplementing with formula and that he wants Kenley to be getting 3 meals of solids per day. Brian went with me just in case I lost it again... I almost did.. but luckily Brian was there to stand with Kenley while they did the examination and I could sit down and not be the freak who always passes out. :)

Praise the Lord! I was thinking about you guys today!
Hooray!!! That is great! Is that almost a pound?!?! Great job, Kenley! (And Keri, since you did all the work, lol.)
btw, tell Kenley that I love her strategically placed foot in that first picture. It cracks me up!
Yay!!! I've been waiting for this post all day! Good job Mama Keri! :)
Hooray!! I've been worried!
Praise the Lord indeed!
Praise the Lord indeed!
oops, I just said the same thing as Maryn. Not a copy cat really.
Praise God! I've been praying!
Good Girls! Great job Brian! GT
Great News! I've been praying for you. 3 meals a day + nursing ought to fatten her quite nicely! :-)
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