Rich + Rooted Passover

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

This year to prepare our hearts for celebrating the Resurrection of Christ, we used Jennifer Naraki's Rich + Rooted Passover Curriculum. Circumstances lead to us only making it about halfway through, but what we did accomplish really was rich and meaningful. 

Ash Wednesday... 

I have never observed Ash Wednesday before but it was actually a really deep meaningful way to focus on mourning the sins we are struggling with, repent of them, and focus on the cleansing that only Christ's death and resurrection can provide us. 

Not quite sure why Kenley added Roy Robinson to the Fruits of the Spirit? 

Each day there was copy work for the girls to do and then add their own picture to the top of the copy work from the scripture portion that we had read. Both girls really enjoyed the copy work and their drawings were hilarious! 

We even had some friends join us one day as we discussed the 10 Commandments, which we just so happened to have memorized this year at CC... 

Due to the remodeling at our house, some days we took our lesson and copy work with us to coffee shops! 

I can't wait to go through it again next year and hopefully make it through the whole curriculum! 

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