Our sweet girl is 3 months old today! I can't believe it! I am not sure exactly what her stats are since we don't go back to the doctor until her 4 month appointment but I can tell that she is getting so much longer, she basically takes up my entire torso when I am holding her with her head at my shoulder. This morning when I went in to get her she wasn't crying she was just jibber jabbering away to herself. She is getting sillier by the day and is always ready to give us a smile. She has just discovered her feet and likes to grab onto them now. She also has sort of figured out how to put the paci back into her mouth after she spits it out. Basically she is just the best baby ever! :)
I love when they find their feet, it is so precious! I always enjoyed this age... up until they start crawling and getting into everything!! But I love them even then too.
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She is sooo beautiful!
This kid is going to have the most photographically-documented upbringing ever...
thats the plan!
I love when they find their feet, it is so precious! I always enjoyed this age... up until they start crawling and getting into everything!! But I love them even then too.
CUTIE!! Give her kisses from aunt Amy!!
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