We went from North Carolina to Virginia to West Virginia to Ohio to Kentucky where we stopped to visit The Creation Museum. We loved every bit of it! If they had rides there it would be better than Disney Land!
Kenley HATED sitting on this dinosaur, she wanted nothing to do with it!

Okay so trivia time!
What happened to the dinosaurs? Were they on the Ark?
I will tell you the answer in Part 2 of the Road Trip Posts!
Good evening Keri-
This is a great topic. Channing loves talking about this subject he had a book about it and it circulated the church but not sure where it is now. But he is not here to answer so I am going to give it a shot.
So I think that Dinosaurs were on the ark as in the Bible in Genesis 6:19-20 and also Genesis 7:15-16. Also they lived after the flood
I don't know the answer so I asked my husband. He said the dinosaurs weren't around anymore during the biblical times because they were already extinct during that time. I don't know if it's correct. Will stay in tune for the answer.
So...funny you posted that Adam doesn't have a belly button...Robert ALWAYS asks me that when he's trying to fill my head with random facts and questions! :)
I believe that, originally, there were no carnivores. All beings were vegetarians, until the fall of man. God created everything just the way He intended, and then Adam and Eve sinned.
So....the dinosaurs were around after the fall of man, since some were carnivorous.
However, I think (not sure) when God flooded the earth, the dinosaurs went, too, because He simply didn't have them in His plan for Noah's Ark.
I have no clue if I'm right or wrong, but please post the answer! :)
I really wanted to go here on our road trip before we got to Okinawa. It looks like a very interesting place! I know Kenly is super young for this now, but when she is older you will have to check out the Jonathan Parks radio show... it is all about creation science. Brandon loves it.
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