
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Well I finally got my sewing machine out of the box today! Todays project was burp cloths! I used the tutorial over at homemadebyjill. I love her blog! I did change the dimensions up a bit though because I have small shoulders so my dimensions were 17 1/2 like hers but I changed her 8 to 6 and her 9 1/2 to 7 1/2. Anyways I got one all finished and then when I was working on the second one my machine got all weird and long story short I broke the feed dogs. :( The Singer help line was closed so I will be calling them tomorrow when I get off of work.

Oh and I realize that I used girly fabric and that I dont know if I am having a girl or not, But chances are pretty high that either Amy or I will get a girl! So if I dont get a girl she will. Hopefully :)


Bekah said...

now watch, you and Amy will both have boys!

Keri Ronk said...

I know it! But, Brian and I started a huge baby boom at our church so one of the like 5 of us who are pregnant is bound to have a girl!

sar said...

those are so cute!! i didn't know amy was pregnant too until kim told me today! how fun to be having babies together!

i'm glad your mom is doing better!

Keri Ronk said...

Thanks I am glad she is doing better too! It was crazy!

Amy said...

Cute! I'll totally take it ;-)

Amy said...

John think it looks like a diaper... I need to stop commenting while I'm sitting next to him!

Keri Ronk said...

haha. Well my mom thinks you are having a boy so maybe you wont get these ones. :)

Amy said...

Darn! Why must everyone think I'm having a boy? I'm already out numbered 3 to 1 in our house! Lol...