Spring Break 2012- Arizona!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

We had a great vacation to Arizona for Brian's spring break! This trip was exactly what we needed. We didn't do anything other than relax, read, and hang out as a family!

We were starved for sunshine before arriving in Arizona! Thankfully Arizona recharged our faith that there is indeed a sun! :) {Washingtonians will understand that one!}
Kenley absolutely loved playing outside in her kiddie pool!

Claire not so much. She wouldn't even put both feet in the water. Every time we tried to get her in she would stand like a flamingo and scream bloody murder. She is NOT our brave or daring child.
Dinner out...
Snuggling with Daddy....
This was Claire's spot on the patio. She wasn't happy outside unless she was eating :)

Afternoon Ice Cream Sandwiches....

Attempts at a family picture....
2 out of 4 looking....
Cheesy Daddy making popcorn....
Did you know that scorpions glow under a black light? It is crazy!!! God's creation is ever amazing!
We had fresh orange juice every morning and it was so delicious! We miss it so much now that we are home!

Our completed reading... Can you guess who read what? :)

We couldn't have asked for a better trip!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Glad you guys had a great time!!