The cousins came over for a sleepover!
I spent the night protecting this sweet baby from....
Cousins in her face constantly... Sorry Bethy!
Missing toys and/or game pieces drive me absolutely crazy. I offered a 10 minute back massage to Brian as a reward if he found it. Half an hour later still no domino so I offered a 20 minute back massage.... 2 minutes later domino. :) The moral of this story is that if something is missing offer a long back massage as a reward and it will be found!
I cleaned out the Jeep.... It's this bad again already.... I am a car hoarder.
She wanted to remind me that she is 2.... and then she took another nap :)
They have Hunter boots at Costco!!!
We were over while my Mom was unpacking her Halloween decorations... Obviously it was a great time to dress the dogs up!
Princess Moxie...
Bunny Tyson... Doesn't he look thrilled?
Spazzy Sadie as... a Witch? She wouldn't hold still at all and freaked out a ton... the usual :)
Super girl Kenley...
Butterfly CLo...
I made these pumpkin donuts for D day! Super yummy!
She LOVES him :). Amanda and I are dressing them as a couple for the Harvest Party! It is going to be adorable!
I bought cute sparkly shoes for the Ball... Too bad my dress will cover them!
Family pictures at Jennings Park. I remember playing on this same train during a 3rd grade class field trip.... I also remember my lunch that day was a velvetta, taco bell sauce, and refried bean sandwich... For Reals! I created and loved that sandwich.... EW!
Elephant Kenley!
We swapped their head attire and then they went for a drive. :)
Happy Tuesday!
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