Life Lately - November

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Barbara let me know that it is time for me to get back into blogging! :)
Here is our Life Lately for November! 

Red cup date night with KenKen:

Claire wrote her name all by herself! I wrote on Instagram:
 "This is a big deal in Claire land! She doesn't really color or write or follow directions so this is awesome! Go Claire" 
She sure is a cute little stinker :)  

I changed Brian's desktop background to a campaign poster that I designed for him to use when he runs for office... 

My Bestie came and spent a week with us! I was SO excited to take her to CC so she could see what its all about but unfortunately Claire got sick the night before so Amanda stayed home with her. The girls continued to throw up on and off the entire week that Amanda was here so we laid pretty low. We did manage to make scarves, earrings, cookies, homemade cronuts, a birthday banner for CLo, and assemble tiny Lego man hands (I know, Amanda, I owe you eternally for that). :)

Cookie time!

Cronut time! 

It was chilly and windy but I had to take her to see the gorgeous ocean! 

Claire will be having a Lego party for her 4th birthday so we have been doing lots of Lego sorting/organizing to get ready for her party! 

We are in the midst of our winter break for CC. We start back up again January 8th and we are LOVING the break! We love CC Community days but it is also really nice getting to relax and just drill the first 12 weeks of memory work! Here are the girls with their completed My Body projects! 
Confession: We made Claire's when we got home from CC with half pages that I had done as samples for my class and half as pages that one of my students had done who didn't show up for the final week to assemble the bodies :) I know he wouldn't care to do it at home so we might as well use them! 

We had family pictures taken! 

Unprompted Claire trying to get Kenley and Daddy to smile: 

 This girl is a nut! She is so funny! Her silly personality shines through more and more each day! 
 She is also a big night owl! 
That pretty much sums up November for the Ronks! 

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