Kenley and Claire's First Boat Ride

Sunday, July 3, 2011

On Friday we survived our first boating adventure with both girls!

Kenley absolutely hated having to wear a life jacket. She said please so sweetly over and over as big crocodile tears flowed down her cheeks. Once she was in the boat she wouldn't move and stayed pretty straight faced the entire time. I think we may have found the one area where she isn't a total daredevil! Fine by me!
Claire didn't mind the life jacket one bit.. Don't worry! We did buckle it!

After a loop around the lake, the battery on the boat died... Wah Wah Wah.
Kenley practiced her steering skills while a nice couple towed us to the dock.

Later that day we headed back out with a new battery in tow!

and after barely making a loop around the lake the engine died...

Brian is trying to get it all taken care of for our trip to Chelan but I'm not so sure that it will be done in time. Hopefully though because it sure is fun to hang out in the boat!


Emily said...

I like your new hair cut, super cute!

Kimberly Hiegel said...

please post lost of pictures from chelan.
i wish i was with you.
i miss you.
and im bored.