Turkey Trot 5k Recap

Friday, November 18, 2011

I did it! I ran a 5k! I finished in 33:14 which is a really great pace for me. I said my goal was just to not stop running but secretly I hoped to finish in under 35 minutes.... Mission accomplished!!
(My mom came with to cheer me on and took this picture... to which I replied "Mom, you can not take pictures in locker rooms!!") My workout buddy Emily!!

Mom and Brian both weren't even watching as I crossed the finish line because they thought it would take me way longer to run it!

I felt great during the run! Emily and I broke apart around the halfway point and then I made it my mission to just keep picking people off. I am competitive :)

Post run:

We did it!!

Emily and I both won turkeys in the raffle!

Here are all the pictures that I stole off the EverettFF Facebook!

I was the 4th female to finish! I think that there were about 10 females running so that is kinda neat!

I am totally hooked on running races now! It was so fun and I feel so accomplished!


Christy said...

Way to go!!! Awesome time!

KMom said...

I was so glad I got to be there :)
You did fantastic!!
Next time I want to do it with you :)

Emily said...

So I wrote a long comment last night but it never saved. Sad times.
I had so much fun! I'm so glad we were able to do it together.. we survived! ha

Melissa said...

Great Job Keri! And I love that you were smiling in every picture :)

Mavis said...

They were giving away turkeys? Holy Cow! I would of ran if I knew that. :)