Ordinary Days

Friday, April 13, 2012

We had a great time hosting Easter brunch on Sunday. One thing that I could have done without... I sprained my ankle while hiding the eggs for the egg hunt. I am so lame.
Monday was rough. I was on crutches and couldn't carry Claire at all. That morning I resorted to picking her up out of her crib and then trying to bride her with her bottle to follow me back to our bedroom. She wasn't a fan and gave up when she was halfway to me. Thankfully I am feeling much better and am back up to about a 95%!
Despite doing a lot of laying around this week I have still tried to keep busy in the kitchen. My first attempt at growing sprouts! Next time I would only do about 1 tsp at a time! I did 2 Tbsp and have ended up with about 3 cups of sprouts. I like them but I don't know if I can consume so many within a week!
I am also growing a sourdough starter! We are on day 3 following Mama Pea's plan. She posted a recipe for sourdough donuts this morning! I can't wait for my starter to be ready!
Kenley is really into singing songs lately. Her favorites are "The ABCD's""The Alligator (elevator) song" "Twinkle Twinkle" and "Jesus Loves Me"

I started singing the ABC's to Kenley today and Claire decided that I wasn't doing a good enough job....
Then Kenley joined in...
Even if my singing isn't great, dinner sure was!

I am long overdue for a grocery store trip so this meal was more of a throw everything together and hope that it turns out type of meal. Quartered Yukon gold potatoes + chopped onion + chopped carrots + chopped red pepper + black beans + garlic + a bit of butter + S and P... Baked at 400 for about 40 minutes and then topped with cheese and put back in the oven until bubbly! Garnished with cilantro! YUM!

I am not at all a fan of herbs but I am trying to incorporate more cilantro and parsley. Parsley is great for cleansing our blood and cilantro is great for detoxing our bodies of heavy metals. We have been juicing the parsley and I have been putting chopped cilantro on anything Mexican-ish that I eat. I am proud to say that I am less of an herb-hater now!
It had to be done! Banana soft serve made in the Champion Juicer with Raw Cookie Dough Bites mixed in! YUM!
She fell off of a bar stool. Almost every day I wonder to myself how it is that she hasn't broken any bones yet. We know its coming soon. She has NO fear OR awareness of her surroundings... not a great mix!
Funny that I say that about her when I am the one with the sprained ankle...


Joy said...

So are you guys still housesitting or is this like your permanent place of residence now??

Emily said...

I agree it seems like y'all just have a new home now ;]ha
That banana soft serve looks so good!!

kim said...

are those alfalfa sprouts? I want to try to make some! Where did you get your spout seeds? Looks like yummy fun! Miss you guys!

Keri Ronk said...

Yes! They are alfalfa sprouts! They are so easy to grow! I have a sprouting lid that I bought for $1.50 @ the Everett Natural Food Co-op and it fits on any wide mouth mason jar! I bought my sprouting seeds there in the bulk section too! I think that any store that has a good bulk section should have them!

kim said...

Thanks Keri! I will have to look for some sprout growing stuff! :) I've been using a sour dough started and LOVING it!!!! So fun! I just bought a 45lb bucket of wheat and have been grinding my one... So fun, way more yummy, and way more healthy! yeah for going healthy!