L Day @ PreSchool!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

L Day!  

The littles wanted in on the L action... Lets pretend the big kiddos are making the big L and the littles are making the little l :).

I was the teacher again this week since Amie's kiddos were still under the weather. Since it was just Amy and I, we kept Claire and Nate "in the class". They did so well! Totally exceeded our expectations! 

Sign language for L

Marching ABC's

Tasting Lemons and Limes

Amy did the L craft and I think it is so cute! A red L that the kiddos glued black spots, black wings, and lady bug heads on. Super cute!

Sadly, we went to the doctor this morning and both girls have ear infections so we will be missing M day tomorrow. I was scheduled to be the craft mom and already have the craft prepped so I'll drop it off at Amy's tonight and then let my girls do the craft at home tomorrow! I think it's going to turn out super cute! 

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Love the lemon and lime faces too cute!