Cake Cookies Recipe

Sunday, September 28, 2008

My favorite quick and easy dessert recipe is cake cookies, everyone loves them and they only have 3 ingredients.

All you need is a stick of butter, an egg, and a box of cake mix. Any flavor of cake mix works well but white cake mix is Brians favorite.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Melt stick of butter in microwave.
Add cake mix to melted butter then add in egg. mix well. ( I use my hands :)

Roll batter into small balls and place on a lined baking sheet. You can line sheet with a silpat (silicone baking mat) or aluminum foil or parchment paper whichever you have on hand.

Bake cookies for 8 minutes. They will not look done but trust me take them out while they look undone or you will get rocks. :) I tried to catch the undoneness look, but im not sure that I captured it very well :)

Enjoy your new favorite go-to dessert!

Just in case you were wondering, in background of the top picture is a branch of cherry blossoms that I made out of crepe paper accompanied by a sweet little birdie that I glazed at The Accidental Artist! More to come on crepe paper flowers!


Mr. Bill said...

your pudding is the best.

Anonymous said...

swi made these for work at priceless and they loved them! We make cookies everyday there and these were a GREAT change from chocolate chip... tomorrow we are going to make carrot cake cookies! MMM! :)

Keri Ronk said...

yum I want your carrot cake cookie recipe!

KMom said...

Funfetti is good too and I cant wait to hear more about the crepe paper flowers! I want the carrot cake cookie recipe too :)

Anonymous said...

Try any fruit with can of pineapple crushed...I use raspberries in a can. Put in cake pan. Put white cake mix (dry) on top of fruit. Then cut cube of butter and place on cake mix. Bake @ 350 for about 15-20 min. Very yummy and no mess to clean up. Christina (From Kmoms work)

Kim @ NewlyWoodwards said...

Yummo! These sound really good. I love that they look softer, that's the way I like my cookies.

Steph said...

Keri, I still make these often and for every holiday! We're having girls from the college over to make them for Christmas! Thanks for posting this!