25 Weeks!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Well I am 25 weeks today and let me tell you "baby brain" is totally kicking in. The other day at the bank I totally forgot my account number. I gave the teller like 3 different attempts at my account and they were all wrong. I used to work there so they all know me too. It was embarrassing. It is also bad when people ask me how far along I am, yesterday I couldn't remember. I had to check the blog to see what my last belly picture post said. lol

Today was also my last day of work! It is bittersweet since I love the owners Mike and Joan, but I am also super excited to begin my new job soon as a stay at home mom!!!

This picture is really more so that I can remember what I looked like from the front too.

1 comment:

Maryn said...

Glad to celebrate your last day with you at the store!