Here are a few pictures of Kenley rockin the big cloth diaper booty. Honestly though I haven't been doing the cloth diaper thing very much because I have 2 Fuzzi Bunz, 4 Very Baby, and 24 Kissaluvs. I HATE the Kissaluvs! They are really wide and don't fit my skinny baby at all so I dont use them. I need to hurry up and sell them so that I can buy something that will work for her body type! Don't worry, its on my list :) Daddy is excited for Kenley to sit on his shoulders..... I think it might be a little early though, especially since she cant sit up on her own yet :) Her hair is starting to fall out :( It seems to be growing back in super blond and in a different direction. You can kinda tell in the 2nd picture from the top. Its almost like she has bangs :)
lol, on your goals post, i saw the thing about selling diapers and i was so sad! but now it makes sense. :) are the fb's and vb's too wide too or are they working out? gad's work amazingly for skinny babies as well - but she might not stay as skinny, you never know. :)
Hey Mo, The VB's and the FB's work pretty well. The FB's are still pretty big though. I am thinking I might get need to get an XS FB and see if that fits better. Do you have any?
I do have some xs, but they will be WAY too small. They are teeny tiny...and the only size insert you can get in there will last you for like 20 minutes, lol. It looks like your fit is great though - I don't see any gaps at the legs or at the top. Are you getting leaks anywhere or is it just that they seem really big? Pants not fitting? If you aren't getting gaps that are leaking, they probably aren't too big. LMK. :)
Hey there! I linked over from Emma's blog. Great posts. I was a CDer back in the day. If you haven't yet, you might want to look into Kickernappies. They are great! I loved them.
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I love the new look of your blog!! Job well done! Ooh, your daughter is pretty cute too!
oh, how i love a fluffy baby butt.
lol, on your goals post, i saw the thing about selling diapers and i was so sad! but now it makes sense. :) are the fb's and vb's too wide too or are they working out? gad's work amazingly for skinny babies as well - but she might not stay as skinny, you never know. :)
love you!
Hey Mo, The VB's and the FB's work pretty well. The FB's are still pretty big though. I am thinking I might get need to get an XS FB and see if that fits better. Do you have any?
i just love these pictures!
sooo excited to hold her!
Oh Kenley you are so adorable! I really love the one of her on her back in the crib.
Hi, Keri!
I do have some xs, but they will be WAY too small. They are teeny tiny...and the only size insert you can get in there will last you for like 20 minutes, lol. It looks like your fit is great though - I don't see any gaps at the legs or at the top. Are you getting leaks anywhere or is it just that they seem really big? Pants not fitting? If you aren't getting gaps that are leaking, they probably aren't too big. LMK. :)
Hey there! I linked over from Emma's blog. Great posts. I was a CDer back in the day. If you haven't yet, you might want to look into Kickernappies. They are great! I loved them.
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