First of all... Did you vote for one of us? My name was on the ballot sort of by accident but I do find it hilarious that it is a husband running against wife.... I sure hope the husband wins. I voted for him!
I have had an annoying cold all week. It is super bad timing especially since I run my half marathon tomorrow! I really wanted to be 100% but it looks like I am just going to have to run it sick. Oh and did I mention that I broke out in hives yesterday? Yeah I am covered. I made the mistake of gorging on Trader Joe's mini peanut butter cups on Wednesday because I *thought* I wasn't allergic to peanuts.... yeah I don't care what that test said, I am definitely allergic to peanuts.
Yep. I ate cloves of garlic. Joyce told me on Facebook to mince it up and eat it on a spoon with honey. I followed it up with a 1/4 teaspoon of butter because I had read that you need to eat fat with the garlic to protect the lining of the stomach. I think eating the garlic did help my cold! However I smelled like garlic ALL day and it kind of made me nauseous.
Speaking of my phone.... Do not use any chargers that are not made by Apple! I bought a cheap purple car charger from China and it shorted out my iPhone, we had to buy a new once since that was not covered under the warranty. Majorly lame. Saving $15 on a charger is so not worth having to pay another $250 for a new phone!
This spiral slicer came in the mail for me this week though! I am really excited to make zucchini noodles! Unfortunately we didn't plant any zucchini in our garden though, we should have! We do have flourishing kale, spinach, lettuce, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, blueberries, strawberries, and what we think are tomatoes but there isn't a sign of a tomato on them. Brian also just planted 2 pepper plants, some cauliflower, and some watermelon! Gardening is awesome! We are definitely excited for next years garden since now we know what we are doing more.

My Mom got Kenley this cute little market to go with all of her play food. Since there is more room at my parents house the girls toys have kind of taken over.... better their house than mine! For some reason I really love sorting all the food out by type and making it look orderly. I know that it is futile but I still love doing it!
The Market:
The Kitchen and Dining Area:
Since I have been sick the girls have spent a lot of time doing this...
I wish this picture was more clear! I had a great one on my phone but I lost it due to the whole phone ordeal. For my last training run Brian biked with the girls behind him in the bike trailer! The first 3 miles Kenley kept saying "this is fun!" and they giggled and laughed. Then the last 3 miles they fell asleep! It was so cute! I wish I would have run all of my long runs with my little cheerleaders!
And now we are headed to Canada so that I can run my half marathon! EEEeeep! I'm super nervous!
If you want to please pray that my run would go okay, that my hip would behave, and that my hives would go away in time for the race! I appreciate it!
You GO, Girl! You can do it!
I'll be praying!!
Is brian running for something?
I love that text! Haha
I of course will be praying all goes well for you :)
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