Tuesday, October 30, 2012

There are 239 new pictures waiting to be uploaded from my iPhone. Alas, I am having internet drama and iPhoto drama. So instead of the showing you the multitude of cute pictures and sharing a yummy recipe, I will share our weekly meal plan. Sorry if that is boring to you but it does really help me stick with cooking healthy dinners!

Weekly Meal Plan

Monday- Taco Pizza (Leftover PW pizza dough and leftover taco ingredients. Great clean out the fridge dinner!)

Tuesday- Homemade PF Chang's Lettuce Wraps

Wednesday- Dinner @ our Friend's (I'm bringing a salad and rolls)

Thursday- Lasagna Soup

Friday- Marine Corps Ball!

Hopefully I will be back soon with that iPhone picture post!

What are you making this week for dinner? Anything super yummy that we need to try?

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