Kenley cut her first tooth today {March 2nd}! I noticed it when I was at the Kimbrell's house for our teen girl Bible study. Kenley was being fussy so I was in the bedroom with her and she latched onto my thumb and I felt the little bumps! Its funny that it happened at the Kimbrell's because Lily Kate got her first tooth on exactly her 7 month birthday and if there were 30 days in February today would be her 7 month birthday! It is her bottom right tooth. I can't believe that my baby is getting teeth! It makes me so sad because I love her gummy grins and now I wont get them anymore. I tried getting a picture of her first tooth and it didn't really work out too well. Here are a few of our tries!
We went in for another weight check today and Kenley only weighed in at 12 lbs 8.7 ounces which puts her back in the zero percent range. We are still waiting for the test results to come back from the breastmilk calorie count and until then there isn't really anything else to do.
6 months ago
Her first tooth? We need to get there soon because she is growing up so fast! Kenley always looks so happy. I love her smile and laughing eyes! Love you! Mom Terri
Hey Keri! It's Emma's sister, Liz. I've been keeping up with your blog and following Kenley's progress (she's precious!). I wanted you to know that i am praying for her. I also wanted to say that she is obviously tiny, since she's still in 3-6 months clothes, but looking at her in her pictures, she seems to be proportioned like my Lexi. I'm still breastfeeding her quite a bit(she's 14 months old), and she's thinner than most formula or milk 14 month babies, but she's healthy. I am convinced that the "one size fits all" growth charts are set more for the generation of formula/ Gerber babies, and not for the babies who breastfeed and start solids at a later age (when their stomachs are more mature). My oldest daughter was always high on the growth charts for weight, and I fed her baby food according to my doctor's reccomendations. With my younger two, I waited until their stomachs were more mature before i introduced solids. They had low chart weights, but now that they're older, I can tell you that my oldest suffers from allergies and stomach problems, while my younger daughters have never had a problem with allergies, eczema, or stomach sensitivities.
I was looking at your pictures of Kenley and thinking about how she resembles my youngest, and not my oldest, in size and i wanted to share that with you. Especially because the doctors are probably pressuring you to switch to formula and lots of cereals, and causing you a lot of worry. God made Kenley perfect, even if she doesn't fit into the mold American pediatricians have set. :)
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