
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Does anyone know if I can take a jar of peanut butter through airport security? Or will they take it away from me?


Jacki said...

They might if it's more than 3oz. Maybe you can make premade sandwiches. Also be careful w/ anything w/ nuts as there might be passengers who are allergic to it & may react (by breathing near someone who has eaten peanuts) especially on a confined space like a plane

Susan Navas said...

I think you're fine. It's not a liquid.

Anonymous said...

i think it has to be under 3 oz.. I took some with me to California after my surgery for protein... and I just put it in a 3 oz container... no problems! :) I would do that so they don't search your bags... I HATE IT WHEN THEY DO THAT! (they searched me because of hair gel!) :) oh well, what can you do?!?! :) Can't wait to see you!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ps- tooth paste is considered a liquid and so is deodorant.... so I bet peanut butter is too :) Its in that family of consistency :)

Liz said...

My mom is insisting that food is okay, and she has never had a problem. It's cosmetics that are red-flagged. Hope this helps. :)

Kimberly Hiegel said...

I just have one question...
Why would you need it? haha

Keri Ronk said...

Okay! Thanks everyone! I forgot about the 3 oz rule so I guess I will not bring the PB! Thanks though!

KMom said...

Just so everyone doesn't worry about Keri being w/o her PB for the plane ride, I will bring some to the airport :) and a crispy bean burrito from you know where :) X O

Keri Ronk said...

Ah thanks Mom, I am addicted to Smucker's Organic! It's the best kind ever!