Life Lately

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

She loves putting on B's clothes and exclaiming that she is Daddy...

Saturday Starbucks Date with my Man and my Ladies...

She was actually trying to put them on... 
Potty training is officially on hold until it is warmer and we can be outside more! 

Happy Snacks... Mint chocolate granola bars wrapped in wax paper and sealed with washi tape...

Every so often I give in and let her dress herself... 

At least we were only going to Value Village! 

Trying to tame the crazy last week at PrePreSchool...

Song time...

S week! 

S's drawn in shaving cream! Kenley loved this we will definitely do this again at home! 

I cut out the S's with my silhouette then attached contact paper to the backs so that the sticky side would be up. I gave the kiddos each a pair of scissors and four strips of paper that I had drawn lines on and then let them cut on the lines to turn the strips into squares. Then they stuck their squares to the sticky S

I get all nerdy and happy when I think of craft ideas on my own rather than finding them through Pinterest! (Pinterest is great... but I feel like it has actually made me a less creative person on my own, I am trying to remedy that!)

The boys came over. The four of them played with play-doh for hours... I actually stopped the play because I got so bored just sitting there watching them...

I love finding little details like this around the house :)...

Bedtime Storytime...

See how sweet these two are cuddling while listening to the story? (He is so patient with her!)

On this side... Nate was totally squishing C.Lo... Elbow to throat :) 

Playing the Monopoly Deal card game! It was okay, definitely not a must buy... We prefer games with lots of strategy since we are hyper competitive when it comes to games...

I didn't teach her this...

Watercolor painting with q-tips... 

We went out to eat Sunday after church and Kenley randomly wrote her name on her coloring sheet. She has been attempting this for a while but usually her letters end up all over the page. This time they were in order and in a line! Way to go KenKen!!! 

Loving on her sweet baby Cousin! 

This was Claire's first time meeting Baby Beth-y! She called her Shepherd the whole time...

"Okay Auntie Keri, get the camera out of my face!"

The sleeper B is wearing was one of my favorites on Claire! I tried looking back in my photos for a picture of C.Lo in that outfit, I didn't find one but I did find this gem of Kenley and Gracen!  Hahaha! Besties for life! 

The girls had their first McDonald's play place experience this past week. It was awesome. I am not at all pro-fast food but this little excursion was super fun! Next time we plan to go in the morning so the kids can play while we drink coffee... Less mediocre fast food in our bodies and less kids in the play place... Win-win! 

While I was sitting there talking to April I looked over and saw that Claire pulled a highchair over and climbed into it... I guess she wanted a front row seat? 
She also escaped from her crib a few times this week. Gymnastics is turning her into quite the climber! 

I love this sign from Pottery Barn Kids! I want to make something similar to this in some way for the girls room! 

*Is anyone else having a problem with blogger uploading their pictures in a jumbled order? It is driving me nuts! 


kim said...

where did you get that cute tape? I love it!!! So cute!

Keri Ronk said...

I got it at Target!

Jenny said...

I love the "sister" sign idea, must find one for brothers!

Jenny said...

I love the "sister" sign idea, must find one for brothers!