... has hit Havelock. I can honestly say that I never thought anything that was on the news would ever come to little old Havelock. Apparently a Marine was visiting up in New York and he brought it down here and gave to to a bunch of people in his shop. One of those people gave it to their kindergartner who goes to my friend Melissa's son's school. She got a call today saying that the kindergartner is either in Brandon's class or was on the bus with Brandon when they went on a field trip last week. So the health department has told her to isolate him. Kinda freaky!
I'm not sure how much I buy into this whole swine flu epidemic thing.... I am sure that it is a real sickness. But I also think that the media was super bored and when they caught wind of it they really went running.
So that is whats going on in our neck of the woods, how is it going in yours? :)
7 months ago
At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist with a tin-foil hat ... I think that while we should be concerned with swine flu, the media focuses on this so we won't pay attention to other things going on, like, say ... Supreme Court nominees or a $17trillion deficit.
Otherwise? I'm doing well. I'm having a text fight with some stranger that kept texting me, imploring me to call him, even after we established that he had the wrong number. Ah! Life is never boring!
I got this article from a friend...some additional insight. Why do we worry about such silly things? If you feel sick, go to the doctor and you'll be fine, right?? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,518514,00.html
Was Brandon isolated or his classmate?
They told her to isolate Brandon, because he had been in contact with the kid. Brandon is doing well though! No swine flu for him! And the school decided to open its doors back today rather than waiting until monday so that is a good sign!
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