Kenley had no idea what she was in for when we headed to the Hematologist/Oncologist yesterday.
At first she had the mild annoyance of having her blood pressure taken with the cutest little baby blood pressure cuff! Then her weight and height were checked. {13 pounds 7 ounces and almost 26 inches}
Then came another blood draw. Her 5th in 2 1/2 months. The tech smelled horribly of smoke but she was able to just stick the needle in Kenleys arm and get blood the first time so that was nice.
This is where the torture started to begin. We waited in to get into the ultrasound for almost 2 hours. UGH!! At this point it was around 1:00pm and Kenley had not taken a nap yet. The highlight was when another little baby came into the waiting room, Kenley and her talked back and forth for awhile, Kenley was so loud and excited! It was as if she had never seen another baby before!
Kenley did fairly well during the ultrasound but you can only poke around at a baby's stomach and hold her down for so long before she gets mad. Once the ultrasound was finished we headed down for an X-ray and were introduced to the torture device. It reminded us of a high school science experiment. They had to put Kenley in this clear plastic tube with her arms up so that they could get clear pictures of her spine. She was not happy. The good/bad news is that of all of the tests that they ran the only thing that they found to be abnormal was her platelet count. Its horrible to say but we almost wish that they would just find whatever it is so that we can deal with it and move on. We are just so tired of putting her through all of these tests. I think she is tired of it too!
God is teaching us through this. I know that He is using this to strengthen our faith. He has given me great peace that only He can bestow. I was also given the opportunity this week to speak with another failure to thrive Mommy. It is amazing to see how my conversation with her was divinely orchestrated!
If you think about it please pray for David, Michelle, and their tiny baby girl Phoebe. Phoebe is in a much more drastic failure to thrive situation that Kenley and I know that David and Michelle and their other three children would greatly appreciate your prayers!
6 months ago
Oh my goodness, who invented that tube!?!?!? Maggie was horrified that someone would do that to sweet Kenley. I love the one where she's just sucking the pacifier, resigned to staying in the tube as long as necessary. What a sweetie! I totally know what you mean about just wanting to know - we're praying for you guys! Love you!
Oh poor Kenley! That tube is horrible!!!
Oh Keri! I'm so so sorry you all had to go through this. May the Lord continue to strengthen and encourage YOU and Brian through this too. Lord willing Kenley will never remember this, but I know a Mommy couldn't forget. What a sweet girl. I remember when David was about 9 months old and he had to have an ultrasound on his head because they were concerned that his bones were not closing up "normally." He screamed and cried the whole time and it took every ounce of my will not to lose it too. We'll keep praying. We love you all!
I started tearing up when I saw those last pictures.
Continue to be strong.
We are praying for ya'll still and the other little baby.
Oh wow! I literally gasped when I saw the pictures of her in the "torture device!" I've never heard of such a thing!! :( We're praying for you guys.
I almost didn't click over to your blog when I saw the title, I knew it would be bad. Who comes up with this stuff to do these tests?! How totally frustrating for you and Brian to see her go through these tests and not snatch her up and out of there!
Continuing to pray for you 3 during this trial, knowing the grace of God is sufficient.
Oh my goodness!!!! What a sweet girl to resign herself to it. She needs to come "home" so gramma can rock her!
Sorry, I just had to laugh! Only because I remember going through that with one of my kids! It is SO horrible at the moment but now that I can look back at is too funny! Maybe with my number #4 he will need a x-ray and I will take pictures and then YOU can laugh and remember when Kenley went through the same thing.
well to be fair. We did laugh.
You are not kidding! That thing looks horrible! But Kenley looks as cute as ever!
Keri this is Emily-
thank you for your prayers for the Mccallum family.
OK I was starting to feel like a horrible person for laughing, but if you can laugh then I guess it is OK for me! I just loved the first one with her pacifier. I do know though, how hard it is to watch your kids go through these tests. I love and miss you guys. I will be praying that they will finally figure out what is going on with that little girl.
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