16 months!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Kenley is 16 months old today! I can barely believe how big she has
gotten! She runs around all day long. We just bought her size 12 month
pajamas and moved her up to size three diapers (more for capacity than
size though).

She is a total girly girl, she will use anything that she finds as
either a necklace or a bracelet. She loves to wear shoes and also
loves to put my shoes on and attempt to walk around. Lately she has
been really into giving everything a hug, the other day at Applebees
she insisted on hugging her water cup.

She loves sour cream, grapes, and bananas. She also really likes to
dip her foods especially if she sees us dip something.

She also has found her "rythym" and starts dancing whenever music is
on. She especially loves when Daddy dances with her. She also loves
when she Daddy throws her up in the air and spins her around. I am
convinced that she is going to grow up to be a little acrobat :).

Kenley girl, you are getting so big! You make Daddy and I laugh at
least four times a day! We love you sweet girl!

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