As of Monday, I can officially say that I have exercised the 2nd Amendment! (I think...Does it count if I don't actually own the gun?)
Brian, Dad, Fred, Terri, Kenley*, and I went to the shooting range. I had never before fired a gun and I was a little nervous!
Once I started shooting though my competitive nature took over and I had to make each shot better than the last! I actually did pretty well which surprised me and REALLY surprised Brian. So we now know that if needed I could protect us :) Terri was really funny, I think she only shot like three or four times and each time she screamed. I was a little nervous to be in the stall next to her :)
*We took turns waiting outside with Kenley... just in case you were worried that we let her be in there with the guns :)
I must say that I'm a bit surprised that your first experience with a gun happened in WA not NC...
Can I come next time?
Awesome! I would be like Terri and probably scream every time the gun went off!
I can't imagine going right now. Did Claire jump at all?
Nice job! Especially like the dude on the target. Hotness personified! (blegh!)
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