Bring on the nose hose!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

So I left for about two hours to get some stuff done at home since Keri was sleeping. When I got back, apparently she had just woken up and was miserable. She described it to the doctors as "crippling." As much as she dreads and hates (and every other negative word you can think of) the NG tube, she realized that it was the best option for her, so that's what we're waiting on now. They did just give her some more anti-naseau medicine and that's helped a little, but it looks like the nose hose is a go.

My poor wife...


Bekah said...

Poor Keri! I had to have one of those in before. I kept on wanting to pick my nose! I bet you really wanted to know that Tell Keri that we are still praying!

Sandy said...

So so sorry Keri is having to go through this AGAIN. Praying for strength for all..

Lauren said...

I'm literally crying as I read this ... so, so sorry that Keri is having to go through this again!! Praying for all of you!

Emma said...

Keri, you have been on my mind and heart all day yesterday and still are today. Continually praying for you!!