Wednesday after Brian came home from school, we packed up and headed to Lake Chelan to spend Thanksgiving with Grandma and Grandpa Ronk at their condo! It was a very low key Thanksgiving but I think that it was perfect for all of us to just relax a bit!

Claire hated the pool and death gripped whoever was holding her.
Kenley loved swimming and being tossed back and forth between Grandpa and Daddy! Its pretty funny how they each reacted because Claire LOVES bath/shower time and Kenley HATES it!

We also played a lot of Pinochle, as well as Hearts... How was Hearts Terri? :)

Low key holiday's are the best :]
Playing fort? How cool is that? Much better than hearts! lol
Yay Claire! I am nervous about putting up our Christmas tree too. We pick it out on Friday, we'll see what Aiden thinks :)I think he'll attack it!
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