Last year Brian and I walked the Wounded Warrior 5k together and during the walk I told him that next year I would run it with him. That was really the turning point where I started exercising regularly and trying to live healthier overall. I am proud to say that a year later I was able to run it with my man! Wowza he made me run too... That boy has a MUCH faster pace than I do, even when he is the one pushing the stroller!
It was a bit chilly and windy so Kenley used her blanket to block the wind. It make me laugh so I had to snap a picture!
My running company...
How cute are CLo's little Nike's?
I can't get over the cuteness!
Afterward Kenley and Claire threw some rocks in the water with Daddy. We are very thankful for this day that we got to spend with our Marine!
I keep all my race bibs and write the date and my time on them. One day when we have a workout/treadmill room I want to fill a wall with all of my race bibs!
Next year I will spread the word about this race so that all of you can join us! It is a little race put on by the Marines of the UW ROTC Program and the proceeds go to the Wounded Warrior Fund. Who is game to join us next year on Memorial Day to sweat and support a great cause?
1 comment:
I totally would if I were there :}
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