September was all about getting settled in our new environment...
Claire wanted a picture with our "baby tree"...
Pipe cleaner doll making...
I still really want to do this craft with the girls and turn it into a mobile for their room...
Playing florist at the Peters new house...
When there is a lot of change going on, it is so recharging for us to take some time and do crafts together. We found this wooden animal set at Target and water colored them... I still need to wood burn the eyes and then we will seal them with beeswax...
Praying mantis outside our house...
That time I unpacked the tin whistles and then left to go to the grocery store by myself.... haha!
Kenley made a little pipe cleaner Paw Patrol dog for Shepherd. We've never watched the show but Shepherd loves it and has lots of the toys so she has seen those. She is such a thoughtful kid! We've been saving it for her to give to him for his birthday which is coming up...
We headed back to Vegas to pick up a car we had left so we made a stop at the Children's museum. School had started back up so the museum was mostly empty. We had the art room to ourselves and stayed in there for HOURS... I think our membership paid for itself in art materials that day...
In September I taught myself to knit!
September 16th was our 9 year wedding anniversary. The Peters watched the girls and since it was on a Wednesday they went to Awana with them. The girls were so excited that it was crazy hair day...
We went to dinner at the Country Club to celebrate...
One of the things that I LOVE about California is that our tiny town has a great Farmers Market every Thursday. They have one vendor for each thing and all the bases are covered! Vegetables, Fruits, Honey, Hummus, Flowers... It is awesome. Brian went the first Thursday we were there to check it our and surprised me with all these goodies...
There is a bike path near our house that is half a mile from the park...
Claire started drawing pictures! If remember, Claire up to this point didn't draw. She would draw 1 line across the page and call it good. I LOVE this picture she drew of her and Kenley...
Our friends the Kings came to visit us while they were vacationing in CA and NV! It was so good to see familiar faces!
I saw this tip somewhere on Pinterest.... Love it!
Donut date with Kenley...
We visited a new CC campus and it was crazy hair day the day that we visited too...
My knitting turned into an interest in yarn crafts for Kenley. She found this yarn craft in this Kirsten book. I remember making this craft when I was little!
September is also when I started my gnome baby making craze...
Beware this blog is going to contain a lot more knitting pictures :) I am hooked!
1 comment:
HOOKED! Get it?!?! Haha!
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