Just got back from the Doc

Monday, July 27, 2009

And... I am dilated 3 cm!!! So the Doctor said that he thinks it will be soon!!

We just took the dogs for a walk and then later tonight we are headed to help out with VBS so hopefully that will help it move along!


Bekah said...

YES!!! I'll be praying!!

Sandy said...

Alright!!! Things are moving right along....

bean said...

Yay, Keri!!!! I hope it is happening RIGHT NOW instead of what happened with Maggie, lol. At 38 1/2 weeks i was 2 1/2 cm and having consistent contractions...and stayed exactly like that until I was INDUCED five days late, hahahaha. I wanted to kill my doctor for telling me to get my parents to come out early and be ready to go. We all sat around trying to figure out ways to get me to go into labor, lol. I hope you are enjoying the last little bit of your inside baby.

Terri said...

Every time the cell phone rings now I think it's you! July 29th is my spiritual birthday. (That could be cool!) Love you!