Kenley June's latest

Friday, July 31, 2009

Kenley is doing great. She's sleeping a lot for long periods of time,
and when she's not sleeping, she's wide-eyed and trying to figure out
the world. Hopefully this means she'll be an easy baby. Even if she is
or isn't, she's such a joy to have. I love her to death. I know
there's a few of you out there who are having babies and you have so
much to look forward to! So congratulations in advance!

Breastfeeding is going a lot better now. Still not perfect and it's
still a struggle, but huge progress is being made!

Keri is recovering very well. The nurses came in early this morning
and "unplugged" her from everything and took the leg compression
thingies off. She was very thankful for that! About a half hour ago
she was able to take a shower and was waking the halls earlier. She's
up and about right now, feeling great.

Kenley's face has changed a lot already from when she was first born
and looks a lot more like the 4-D ultrasound we had in May.

In summary, everything's going perfect and we have had 0
complications! Praise the Lord!


KMom said...

She is so beautuful!!!!

Joy said...


Amy said...

My goodness, I want to squeeze those little cheeks!!!