Since the day is fast approaching I thought I would share with you my birth plan. I basically just copied the one of Meagan from the Prayer of Hannah blog since hers was most like how I want the birth to go. And I know that no matter what my birth plan says, the whole event is really up to God and His will for Kenley's birth. So here it is...
Birth Plan for Keri Ronk and baby Kenley June Ronk
Our overall goal in the labor and delivery process is for both Keri and baby to be healthy and safe. We hope to accomplish that goal through a natural delivery with as few interventions as possible. We have included some of our wishes below, understanding that this is a guide and that unforeseen circumstances may require a change in the birth plan. Thank you so much for your support and guidance in the birth of our child.
• We expect only the husband, Brian, to be in the room with Keri during labor and childbirth.
• We plan on a natural unmedicated childbirth. As a general approach, we prefer that any medical intervention necessary be taken incrementally, staring with the most minimally “invasive” approach, and going from there only after discussion with Brian and Keri.
• Please offer non-medical choices for coping with labor. We prefer freedom of movement and mobility to increase comfort during contractions. Position during labor and delivery is Keri’s choice. This includes the use of a birthing ball, squat bar, and shower.
• We prefer very little intermittent monitoring with an external fetal monitor. We very much want to avoid internal fetal monitoring unless there is an emergency.
• We would like to eat and drink light foods and liquids as desired. Keri does not want an IV unless there is an emergency. If necessary, Keri will accept having a device (heparin lock?) inserted into a vein so that an IV can be started up quickly when needed, but without the IV being connected until it is needed. Keri does not want a catheter, either, but would like the freedom to use the restroom.
• Because we want labor to progress at a natural pace, we hope to avoid artificial induction or augmentation of labor (e.g., amniotomy, stripping of membranes, pitocin).
• We would like for the nurse or doctor to do perineal massage and warm compresses whenever possible during labor and delivery to avoid a tear. We also want to avoid episiotomy, unless necessary for the safety of the baby. If an episiotomy is suggested, please perform only after discussion with Keri and Brian.
• I will want local anesthesia for repair of tears.
• We hope to avoid the use of forceps or vacuum. If labor stalls or the baby seems stuck, Keri would like to try changing positions and other methods first.
• We view a Cesarean Birth as a last resort and only because of imminent danger to Keri or the baby. If it becomes necessary, we prefer to have husband, Brian, in the room seated at mother’s head during surgery. We would like the baby to be held by Brian as soon after birth as possible, and Brian will remain with baby. We plan to breastfeed as soon as possible!
• Umbilical cord is not clamped or cut until after the cord has stopped pulsating.
• After the birth, we would prefer the baby to be laid directly on the mother’s chest without washing and allowed to nurse as soon as possible. All testing can be performed while baby lies on mother’s chest. Brian and Keri should be present for all newborn procedures!
• Delivery of the placenta is spontaneous, without the use of Pitocin. Other methods of encouraging delivery of placenta (fundal massage, immediate breast feeding) are used.
• We prefer to breastfeed only—so no bottles, pacifiers, artificial nipples, formula or water.
7 months ago
Wow, Keri! You have it all down....terminology and everything! I'm impressed! You KNOW that we are already praying for you, Kenley, and Brian during this time......especially that Brian won't pass out! lol
Keri, This is thorough and an excellent plan. I'll be praying everything is perfect for your family on that special day!
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