The tide at the lake was out so far! We have never been to the lake this time of year so it was definitely odd to see so much "beach". The kiddos sure loved digging in it!
April and I had a bunch of crafts planned for the big girls while the littler ones took their naps. One of those crafts was t-shits and fabric markers! Somehow, I missed taking pictures of them decorating their t-shirts but their shirts turned out super cute!
Here they are modeling their creations:
Photo Bomber...
Kenley wrote her name on the front of hers all by herself!
We went bowling! None of the kids had ever been before! I think they liked it, but it would have been more fun for them if the bowling alley would have had one of those metal slide things to help kids bowl.
At one point Claire was beating all of us! She ended up coming in 2nd place for our family! Kenley came in 3rd....
Watching her ball creep down the lane
Group Picture!
Claire got too close to the BBQ. I am so thankful that she didn't singe off an entire pigtail!!
Part 3 coming soon!
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