probably not the news everyone was hoping for, but still no baby. My most amaIng wife pushed for about 3 hours trying to get Kenley out, but she is too big. I still know that we have an amazing God! Right now, we're waiting for the doc to come out of the OR to give us a c-section consult. Not what everyone hopes for, I know, but this was our last option and we're now at that only option. I feel like she deserves a normal delivery because of how hard she worked, but I know she's ready to meet her, no matter how she comes.
To brag on my wife some more, anyte she was in her most dire need, she went straight to the Lord. What an encouraging example!
Keep praying. It's not over yet...
7 months ago
We are here and with you in prayer. T&K
She will be a great blessing no matter how she gets here. Still praying that she makes her arrival SOON!
Just read your blog and dad and I immediately went to our Lord to ask (beg) that He allow Kenley to be born naturally. As with you, He is always good, no matter. I know that was Keri's dream. It's 9:27 your time....6:27am here. It sounds like you are being a huge support to her, Brian! We love you both......sooooo much! Mom
How wonderful for you to know that Keri did everything she could to have Kenley naturally. You'll have no regrets looking back at your labor/birth experience. Praise God that He is on Keri's lips at all times. He's got the whole situation under control and has carefully chosen this experience for you three. We love you and continue to pray to our great God!
Love Susan Navas
By the way, reading that Keri and Kenley are still safe and healthy is exactly what I wanted to hear! God has chosen the exact time of her birth and He's never late.
Love, Susan
Ditto on Susan's comment!
Tell Keri that we all love her and are thinking about her. I am about to go into work and I just called Joan and Mike and they are so excited!! I will keep praying for the three of you and I hope that everything works out the way that Keri wanted. Love you guys!
-Taylor Wiggins
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