So praise the Lord, we're finally going home today. Doc came in about 8:30 this morning and said that there's no reason for them to keep Keri here. I'm telling you, for those who haven't seen Keri in the hospital, she is a completely different person from two days ago. All the nurses tell as that, and we were walking down the hall one time and a nurse asked what room we were staying in. This nurse knew who we were but said she didn't recognize Keri. She's completely back to normal, except for a few pains here and there which is to be expected.
I also took Kenley to her doctor's appointment today. She is back up to her birth weight of 8 pounds 5 ounces which is great and they said everything else looks normal and healthy.
It's nice to have my mom here...finally. She got to be the babysitter last night at our house and LOVED it. I think the Paynes are a little jealous of her though.
7 months ago
Kerri, I am so glad you are finally getting to go home! I wish you all the best! It was such a blessing getting to know your family. Please don't hesitate to call, I would love to keep in touch.
So glad to hear things are going better! I'm still praying for you guys, and tell your mom I hope she has a blast visiting!
Hi Ronks! I am so happy to hear that Keri is going home! Praise GOD! I cannot wait to come home and see you guys! It is such a blessing to know that Keri is feeling better and doing better! God is so amazing! Bo and I love you tons! And miss you more!
Praise the Lord, indeed.
I am so glad you are feeling better. It really stinks being across the country from you and not being able to serve your dear family. I can't imagine your family's feelings over this ordeal.
Kenley is so beautiful. I have pretty much been talking about her with people whenever I bring up babies. I hope Violet has a little cherub face like Kenley. I love fat little babies...:) SO much to squeeze!
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