Well, I told my mom that I would let you know what's going on before we kind of shut down for the night. Nothing has really changed. Apparantely the doc came in while I was gone and said that everything is going well and the best thing to do is to continue what she's doing. Keri asked how long she'd have the tube in her nose and he replied with "less than a month." i'm sure Keri didn't find that funny. They said that before they took it out they would clamp it to make sure everything else was working properly to avoid having to insert it again. He's got a point. So Keri is just keepin' on keepin' on
in other news, my mom found a cheap flight out here earlier than she had plannedon coming that gets in on Monday morning. That will be a big help once we get home from the hospital, and I'm hoping we will be by then.
7 months ago
And I can hardly wait!!!! Mom
Hang in there guys, the troops are on there way. If you need reinforcements, let me know. We are praying for you all. Love Grandpa T.
Brian and Keri- I saw your Mom's note on Facebook about Keri! I am so sorry that she is going through all of this...we will be keeping her in our prayers! Your daughter is beautiful...what a cutie-pie! You all will continue to be in our prayers and we pray for healing for Keri! Give our love to your family! Blessings, Heather Shaw (Jon and kids, too)
"it may not be the way I would have chosen, when you lead me through a world that's not my home. But you never said it would be easy, you only said I'd never go alone."
Ginny Owens
I just wanted to affirm your last post of thank yous Brian and to let you know that although we have never met, I check this blog regularly to see how your family is doing! God has blessed keri and kenely with a wonderful spiritual leader in their family. Tell keri that I so am praying for a speedy recovery and for patience for her.
Give that baby a kiss for me! God bless you Ronk family!
Brooke Rhoadarmer
Hey guys -- the Accidental Artist crew will be stopping by today (Stacey, Taylor and I ... or at least me) to see how you're doing. We'll give you a call later to see how your schedule is.
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