Our sweet CLo is 2 years old today! She is such a blessing to our family.
Claire is definitely a Mommy's girl.
She loves Dora,
singing the ABC's,
dancing to Tarzan music,
playing with Mommy's phone,
counting the stair steps, and
singing twinkle twinkle little star.
This is the first time I met our girl... (About 13 hours after she was born)
This is my favorite of the NICU incubator pictures.
It's weird, because she was in an incubator for so long and in the NICU for 3 weeks, but Claire and I bonded instantly, I think that is why she is so obsessed with me now :).
It seems unreal to me now that at one time she weighed only 5 pounds, 7 ounces. That is so tiny!
This is our first picture as a family, on Christmas Day 2010.
I feel like God has really shown me this week what a gift Claire is to our family. All of the complications that have lead to me not being able to have any more biological children are all due to Kenley's c-section. So it really is an immense blessing from the LORD that He gave us Claire. She is a precious gift that God so graciously blessed us with in His perfect timing... I could write more but then I will start to cry so I won't :)
Happy Birthday sweet CLo! You are a sweet, sweet daughter to Daddy and I and a wonderful sister to Kenley! We love you so much!
Oh - so SWEET! I have loved watching your girls as they grow (look how little Kenley looks in your photo!)
See-despite all odds, God gave you Clare. (You didn't even know you were fighting odds then.) God may choose to bless you yet again (or not) He just wants our hearts to be completely surrendered to His will.
I just love your little family. :-)
You have beautiful children!
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