Advent Night 1

Monday, December 3, 2012

I am really excited to start an advent tradition with the girls this year. We have decided to go through the Jesus Story Book Bible for advent this year. It is great because the book is already 24 chapters and each chapter points to our need for a Savior. 

I printed little strips of paper with the chapter that we will read that night, folded them, and then stuck them in an old Starbucks advent calendar. 

On each strip of paper I am also putting different colored star stickers to represent different activities that we will do. Gold stars mean that the girls get to open a present. Other colors of stars represent activities like Zoo Lights, driving to see Christmas lights, making Christmas cookies, going to pick a tree, special movie night, milk and cookies nights, decorating their room, etc.  

Our first night of advent was a gold star night and the girls got to open a Fisher Price Nativity Set. I am really excited about using this set to help explain all the people and their roles to the girls. 

Happy start of the Advent season! 


Amy said...

Cute!! I love the sticker idea. And yay for the Jesus Storybook Bible. Ours come in Wednesday but the boys ask about it every day.

Steph said...

Fantastic!! I love it and wish I could celebrate Advent at your house!

Joy said...

Hey, just curious... which Jesus Storybook Bible did you get?

Joy said...

Is it by Sally Lloyd JOnes?

Keri Ronk said...

It is the Sally Lloyd Jones one. We got the deluxe version that comes with it on audio cd also.

Here is a link.

Emily said...

What a fun way to do a great tradition!