First of all, Is this not the cutest picture? My precious little girl
in the arms of her mother. Keri is now in her room recovering. I was
able to see her right when she was brought up and kenley came in at
the same time. What an awesome moment that was! Keri tried to breast
feed but Kenley wasn't having it. She finally latched on after awhile,
but then just fell asleep. If you can't already tell, I love being a
dad! Love you all! Thanks for all your encouragement.
7 months ago
It is the cutest! She just looks like such a cuddler! She looks very content. I can't wait to hold her. She is a lucky girl to have you guys for her parents :) Much Love!! KMom :)
Yes that's the cutest picture! I'm in love with Kenley already and can't wait to hold her. I'm very proud of the great parents she has. Much love from Aunt Kris
Oh you Ronk's know how to make em cute!! I am so excited for your family to grow together in CHrist and for you two as parents to watch your child grow close to our precious Saviour! She is an eternal testimony to His unfailing love for us and how He is truly the God of LOVE! Congrats and give her a smooch for me! Oh yeah, and Keri - Just keep trying with the breastfeeding! It can be very stressful but just remember to RELAX when trying and to drink plenty of liquids!
Much love, Brooke
Good grief she is adorable!!! What a cutie!
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