Brian just got home from work and we were sitting in the office talking so I decided to lay her down on her tummy time mat and she rolled over all on her own 4 times in a row! She immediately stopped when she saw the camera so I don't have a video yet but I will try my best to get one soon! I am a very proud Mommy and I am so glad that Brian and I got to watch her do it together!
Here she is right after she spotted the camera and stoppedThe other day I was bored and she was being grumpy so I put her in a dress and cowgirl boots! No one an be irritated with a baby in cow girl boots! We love this hat that Tonia got for her! Here she is last night after we got home from ChurchThis is a video clip of Kenley "walking" she really is picking up her own feet! Sorry its the wrong direction, I can not for the life of me figure out how to flip it.
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Yay! Big girl Kenley! Auntie Amy is VERY proud!
Oh My, she'll be crawling around soon!! Loved the video X O
She'll be walking before she lets you video her rolling over! :) What a big girl!
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